Literature Review #4

Georgiana L. Martin                                                                                       Cindy Ann Kilgo

2. Martin, Georgianna. Kilgo, Cindy. "Exploring the Impact of Commuting to Campus on Psychological and Well-Being." New Directions for Student Services, No. 150. Periodicals Inc. Summer 2015.

3. Martin and Kilgo have collaborated together to conduct research on how students that commute daily to school are affected psychologically by their living situations. They researched the factors that affect the development of commuting students.

4.  Author

Georgianna Martin is the a clinical assistant professor in the Higher Education Program and is currently finishing her PhD in Higher Education and Student Affairs at Loyola University.

Cindy Kilgo is a student. Not much information is known on her.

5. Key Terms

Support Structures- The capacity at which family, peers, and college faculty to provide emotional and practical help for students.

Psychological Well-Being- The mental and emotional state of a student. Happiness, Depression, Confidence, Self esteem are all factors.


"Dugan et al. found that independent commuter students exhibited significantly greater self-efficacy in their leadership skills than dependent commuter students, suggesting that the commuter student population should not be treated as one, singular monolithic group with diverse needs." (Pg. 36)

"The literature is flooded with assertions of the importance of support structures as an essential component in student success. These support structures stem from a variety of places -- including family, peers, and college faculty as internally." (Pg. 41)

"It is paramount that educators consider the importance of place for commuter students. Creating a sense of institutional belonging continues to be an important goal of student affairs professional, and this goal has particular implications for commuter students." (Pg. 41).

7. This study will help me how commuter students suffer greatly because they live at home with their parents, where they are stuck in their "bubble".  They are dependent on their parents, and as a result they are greatly influenced into making certain decisions.



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